

22.8K members
r/mensa is a subreddit with 22.8K members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is size-large.
Welcome to the Mensa Reddit community, where people from all walks of life are welcome to converse about anything relating to living beyond the 98th percentile. Reading our rules is mandatory, and your questions may be answered in our wiki. Trolls will be banned. Posts and comments that make personal attacks will be removed.

Popular Topics in r/mensa

: "My WAIS-IV Results From my Neuropsychological Evaluation"
27 posts
Mensan input wanted
: "When my schizophrenia started I hated all people because they were dumb and hollow. Entered Mensa and found it the same way. Turns out it was a me-problem all along. Why did you join and was it positive?"
17 posts
: "I freaking got in!"
11 posts
Organizational Support needed!
: "I took the in-person Mensa test..."
7 posts
I could have checked the FAQ and Wiki
: "How do you solve this and am I right with thinking it’s E?"
3 posts
: "Does manifesting really work?"
2 posts

Member Growth in r/mensa

+-1 members(-0.0%)
+379 members(1.7%)
+6K members(33.5%)

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